Wild foods created by a wild God for wild people.

Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?

Matthew 6:26 (ESV)

About us

At Coastal Foragers, we take pride in being some of the most knowledgeable foragers on the coast, living a lifestyle of wild abundance while unapologetically embracing our Christian faith. With our deep understanding of the coastal ecosystem and years of experience, we expertly source and curate the finest wild products from the bountiful offerings of the Oregon Coast. Grounded in our Christian values, we are committed to honoring God’s creation, practicing sustainable living, and sharing the blessings of coastal foraging with others. Join us on a transformative journey of taste, connection, and gratitude as we celebrate the wonders of nature’s harvest, guided by our lifetime walk.

Our Services

Explore our online store for wild products, join immersive workshops, attend gatherings, and benefit from our consulting expertise. 


In our online store, we invite you to explore a curated selection of wild products, meticulously sourced from the picturesque shores of the Oregon Coast. From vibrant sea vegetables to delectable mushrooms and other coastal treasures, each item reflects the pristine beauty and exquisite flavors of the region. Delight your senses and bring the essence of the coast to your table with our handpicked offerings, delivered right to your doorstep.


Feed your wild.

Embrace the untamed nutrition of wild foods, savoring the bountiful creations that God intended for us to enjoy. Discover the thrill of foraging and let nature’s harvest nourish your body, mind, and soul.